paperedi emblem rotated 1200dpi grayPaperEDI is the solution for transport labels and shipping documents providing EDI functionality by 2D-Code. There is a direct link between barcode and EDI whenever logistical operations are involved. Therefore, both techniques can complement each other. One 2D-symbol can carry the whole shipping information equivalent to ane page of a delivery note.

The PaperEDI is suitable for a variety of applications. The "P'EDI" standard contains the document types "Offer, Order, Delivery note, Invoice, Order Confirmation, Consignment Replenishment/Consumption, Credit Note and Return Delivery".

PaperEDI is also suitable as "SET CODE" for products, e.g. an overpack or equipment, which includes sub-components. The "SET CODE" can carry all included parts with it's variables.

In the P'EDI standard of the revision of Jan. 7, 2021, the UDI formats have been harmonized, no matter how the UDI on the product is structured (IFA, GS1, HIBC, ISBT), in P'EDI every UDI-DI is applied with the ASC data identifier "54P". This DI indicates that products are UDI relevant  and encoded in P'EDI in the same format as stored in the UDI databases GUDID, EUDAMED, etc.

Update of the Paper EDI (P'EDI) specification published
On December 15, 2022, the Joint Working Group AIDC in Industry & Healthcare  approved the specification update for publication:
EDI functionality via Data Matrix in the logistics supply chain.

This specification is the basis for the practice of encoding the data contents of delivery bills, orders, invoices  in DataMatrix but also of assembled product sets. The recipient is thus able to capture a code by one scan and to transfer the entire content, e.g. of a shipment, to his ERP system. This is quite similar to electronic data transfers via "EDI", except that the data are physically available at any time at any place via P'EDI code. This method is practice a) between manufacturer and trade and b) between manufacturer and/or trade to the recipient. The update includes among others:
+ New document type for the request of a return delivery from the consignment stock
+ Option "DIN 16598 keyboard and WEB compatible syntax".
+ Coding of national characters ("umlauts") within data elements
+ Inclusion of data elements for medical parameters with ASC DI "32Q-Clinical term code ( LOINC code )".

The document "Paper-EDI" can be found in the folder "Documents" at

Please don't hesitate to send comments, application questions, etc. to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Specification English (Revision 2024-02-26)


P'EDI integration tools such as P'EDI Printing, P'EDI Varification, P'EDI Scanning, can be found at
How to capture and process P'EDI can be found at