On December 13, 2022, the following specification was approved for publication:

AutoID URL 1.0
The digital twin

In response to requests for solutions for Internet access to the "digital twin" of a product/object via smartphone using barcode and RFID(NFC), the "Joint Working Group ADC" with EDCi has developed the AutoID URL 1.0 specification. This describes how product identification is realized with access to the individual website, the "digital twin".

In this solution, the product data in the code is headed by a DOMAIN ID and is integrated in WEB syntax, but also has ASC data identifiers for unique identification of the data fields it contains.

This is enabling offline identification without net as online WEB access.
Thus the AutoID URL can lead specifically to the information which belongs to an individual product even to a specific serial number. Thus, for example, it is also possible to set up WEB communication that is specifically linked to this one product. This is the difference and added value to a regular QR code, which only contains a WEB generic address. The AutoID URL 1.0 solution also fits to the considerations of the European "Product Pass Port (DPP)".

The document "AutoID URL" can be found in the folder Documents: www.e-d-c.info

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